Generation and Conduction of Nerve Impulse

 Generation and Conduction of Nerve Impulse

Neurons are excitable cells because their membranes are in a polarised state. Do you know why the membrane of a neuron is polarised? Different types of ion channels are present on the neural membrane. These fon channels are selectively permeable to different ions. When a neuron is not conducting any impulse, i.e.. resting, the axonal membrane is comparatively more permeable to potassium ions (K') and nearly impermeable to sodium ions (Na'). Similarly, the membrane is impermeable to negatively charged proteins present in the axoplasm. Consequently, the axoplasm inside the axon contains high concentration of K and negatively charged proteins and low concentration of Na".

 In contrast, the fluid outside the axon contains a low concentration of K. a high concentration of Na' and thus form a concentration gradient. These fonic gradients across the resting membrane are maintained by the active transport of ions by the sodium-potassium pump which transports 3 Na outwards for 2 K into the cell. As a result, the outer surface of the axonal membrane possesses a positive charge while its inner surface becomes negatively charged and therefore is polarised. The electrical potential difference across the resting plasma membrane is called as the resting potential.

You might be curious to know about the mechanisms of generation of nerve impulse and its conduction along an axon. When a stimulus j applied at a site (Figure 21.2 e.g.. point Al on the polarised membrane the membrane at the site A becomes freely permeable to Na. This leads to a rapid influx of Na followed by the reversal of the polarity at that site. Le., the outer surface of the membrane becomes negatively charged and the inner side becomes positively charged. The polarity of the membrane at the site A is thus reversed and hence depolarised. The electrical potential difference across the plasma membrane at the site A is called the action potential, which is in fact termed as a nerve impulse. At sites immediately ahead, the axon (e.g., site B) membrane has a positive charge on the outer surface and a negative charge on its inner surface. 

As a result, a current flows on the inner surface from site A to site B. On the outer surface current flows from site B to site A  to complete the circuit of current flow. Hence, the polarity at the site is reversed, and an action potential is generated at site B. Thus, the impulse (action potential) generated at site A arrives at site B. The sequence is repeated along the length of the axon and consequently the impulse is conducted. The rise in the stimulus-induced permeability to Na" is extremely short- lived. It is quickly followed by a rise in permeability to K. Within a fraction of a second. K diffuses outside the membrane and restores the resting potential of the membrane at the site of excitation and the fibre becomes once more responsive to further stimulation.

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